New life for Coton-in-the-Elms Village Green
Dated flood defence replaced with natural solution
About the Work
It’s safe to say that the Coton-in-the Elms Village Green is a source of pride and joy for many residents. So when it became apparent that the wooden bank protection needed updating, Trent Rivers Trust was approached with the hope to create a more natural upgrade.
This included adding pre-planted coir rolls to help stabilise the banks and creating a two-stage channel. Coir rolls will help prevent the bank from eroding whilst adding valuable habitat. The re-shaped banks into a two-stage channel will encourage a greater diversity of flow types and create additional space for high flows.
Two-stage channels should see the follow benefits;
- Delivers a more resilient, self-cleaning channel, as the bank shelves increase the natural process of deposition and erosion, helping to break down pollution and encourage new vegetation, important for fish and invertebrates
- Reduced slumping of banks as the roots of grasses and wildflowers stabilise the banks over time
- Increased biodiversity – more riparian habitat diversity and improved conditions for wetland species
- Greater capacity for flood waters

With thanks to
This scheme was delivered through the Environment Agency River Restoration Fund for the River Mease SSSI, along with a contribution from South Derbyshire District Council