Nutrient Reduction
The impact of new development in the catchment needs to be assessed, and mitigation delivered to offset the impact on the River Mease from an increase in foul drainage discharge. Previously this was done on the Mease through a Developer Contributions Scheme (DCS 1 and 2) (more details at the developer web page). This is now being updated in the catchment by a requirement for ‘nutrient neutrality’.
Nutrient Neutrality
Nutrient neutrality is a means of ensuring that a development plan or project does not add to existing nutrient burdens within catchments, so there is no net increase in nutrients as a result of the plan or project.
A nutrient neutrality approach is now being rolled out across the Mease catchment, based on national guidance provided by Natural England.
More information in respect of the River Mease and nutrient neutrality can be found here.
Mease DCS scheme
DCS 1 and 2 ensured that new built development did not compromise the primary purpose of the River Mease Water Quality Management Plan.
The fund is used in three key areas;
- Design and Capital costs of the mitigation measures.
- Project management, including the appointment of a dedicated project manager
- Monitoring, both in terms of long term water quality and to measure the impact of individual schemes
There are a number of documents which set out how the improvements to the River Mease SAC will be made, including the mitigation measures for new development required under DCS1 and 2:
- River Mease SSSI/SAC Restoration Plan
- River Mease Water Quality (Phosphate) Management Plan
- Developer Contribution Scheme 1
- Developer Contribution Scheme Appendix 1 – Measures to be funded through the Developer Contribution Scheme 1
- Developer Contribution Scheme 2
- Developer Contribution Scheme Appendix 2 – Measures to be funded through Developer Contribution Scheme 2
Details on some of the projects that have been delivered so far can be found on the Project page.