How We Work
The River Mease Partnership includes individuals, farmers, agencies and local authorities that are working together to protect and improve the River Mease SSSI and SAC. The partnerships’ main aim is to reduce the levels of phosphate within the River Mease SSSI /SAC through positive action to enable the Conservation Objectives for this Special Area of Conservation to be met.
A range of different organisations are working together to enhance the River Mease. The aim is to return the River Mease SSSI/SAC into ‘good’ condition, and to for the river to be classified as ‘good’ under the EU Water Framework Directive.
Funding has been secured from a variety of places to do this. Funding supports works delivered by farmers, landowners, government organisations, NGO’s and communities.
What We Are Doing
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Mease Project Map
The Mease project map shows where project work is taking place across the catchment. The different colour coded categories show where projects have been delivered under the different funding mechanisms, and the different stages of project delivery, from identification of a potential project, to project development and construction being completed. The map shows how projects under the different funding mechanisms are widespread across the catchment for maximum impact and benefit.